Jamal Khamis awarded Grand Prix — Jamal Khamis

On November 10th 2012 Jamal Khamis has been awarded the 'Grand Prix International Jean Simeon Chardin'. Khamis his art has been selected by the International Academy of fine arts, literature and science Gentilizia Il Marzocco Florence City. This year's prize is in the spirit of Jean Siméon Chardin, also known as the painter of silence. Chardin was a master of still life. His style was known for his well considered usage of composition and light. He heavily influenced the modern art of the eighteenth century. In turn, Jamal Khamis receives homage for his influence in contemporary art.

Jamal Khamis awarded Grand Prix
Jamal Khamis awarded Grand Prix

This is not the first time Khamis' work has been recognized in Italy. In 2008 he was awarded the title of Professor by the International Academy Greci Marino of Verbano. Khamis claims to be honored by the attention and praise he has received from the international art community.

Jamal Khamis awarded Grand Prix
Jamal Khamis awarded Grand Prix
Grand Prix International Jean Siméon Chardin
Grand Prix International Jean Siméon Chardin
Accademia N.1
Accademia N.1
Accademia N.3
Accademia N.3

All nominated artist for the Grand Prix.

Accademia N.5
Accademia N.5

Untitled painting from Jamal Khamis, winner of the Grand Prix.

1.Kortvatting 130x110cm acrylic on canvas
1.Kortvatting 130x110cm acrylic on canvas

Untitled, 130x110cm, Acrylic on canvas.
